Emergency Dentist Near Hollis, NH

toothache merrimack nh

It happens more often than you think. You're having fun with the kids while playing a game of touch football. You chip a tooth because of a sudden "tackle" from your child. Or maybe you wake up with a mild aching in the back of your mouth that soon develops into a full-blown toothache. If you've had any injury to your teeth, mouth, or jaw, it's time to see an emergency dentist.

Call us if you have a dental emergency near Hollis, NH.

Mouth, jaw, and neck pain are all signs that you have a dental emergency. The universal indication that anything is wrong is pain. So, if you're in agony, it's time to find an emergency dentist near Hollis, NH.

What is considered a dental emergency?

If you're in pain, you might be wondering if you can get an emergency appointment to identify and treat the source of your discomfort. A dental emergency isn't the same as a medical emergency, and you might be able to see a dentist sooner than you expect. A dental emergency can include a variety of issues, such as:

Severe dental pain — If you're experiencing severe dental pain, an emergency dental visit may be able to provide you with the care you need to feel better.

Uncontrollable mouth bleeding — Uncontrollable mouth bleeding is a dental emergency, and you should visit your dentist as soon as possible.

Knocked-out tooth — If a tooth has been knocked out because of an impact or injury, an emergency dental consultation arranged soon after tooth loss may be able to preserve the tooth.

Infection – A dental abscess in the mouth is a dental emergency because it can lead to a serious infection that could potentially be life-threatening. If you have swelling in or around your mouth or feel knots in your jaw, you should see your dentist at once.

In summary, if you have any doubts about any of the symptoms listed above, you should consult a dentist.

What should I do if I have a dental emergency?

Dental crises are not only painful, but most of the time they're also frustrating. While you are waiting for your appointment, it's critical to learn how to care for your dental health effectively. Even if you don't know what's wrong, maintaining good oral hygiene is critical when you have dental issues.

Teeth that are cracked or chipped

Wipe your mouth gently with warm water and apply a cold compress to the outside of your mouth to ease any pain.

Tooth Abscess

An abscessed tooth can be life-threatening. If you think you have an abscess, call an emergency dentist immediately. Meanwhile, avoid hot foods and drinks, use a gentle toothbrush, and avoid flossing the afflicted region. You can also try to bring the pus to the surface with warm salt water before your emergency appointment.

Missing Tooth

It's easy to panic when you lose a tooth, especially if it's at the front of your mouth. But a missing tooth isn't simply an aesthetic issue. A gap in the gum produced by a lost tooth can cause teeth to shift and jaw weakness.

An emergency appointment may save your tooth. While you're waiting for your appointment, gently clean your teeth, avoiding the root. Put the tooth back in the socket if possible. If not, keep it in milk until you can see the dentist. 

Dental Emergency FAQ

How quickly should I visit a dentist in an emergency?

The sooner you can get to a dentist's office, the better. If one of your teeth has been knocked out, getting aid as soon as possible is critical; if you get help within an hour or two, your emergency dentist may be able to put it back in place. In other cases, such as if you've lost a filling, you might be able to wait a day or two before visiting your dentist.

How do I treat a toothache?

Rinse your mouth with warm water to relieve toothaches. Floss gently between your teeth to eliminate food. If your teeth or gums hurt, don't put aspirin on them because it may burn your gum tissue. If the pain persists, see your dentist.

What can I do to avoid frequent dental problems?

Brush twice a day and floss every night before bed to take good care of your teeth. If you play any high-contact sports, you should wear a mouthguard and a helmet to protect your teeth.

What should I do if I knock out one of my permanent teeth?

First, try not to panic if one of your permanent teeth comes out. To clean the tooth, start by gently rinsing it in lukewarm saltwater. DO NOT handle the tooth by the root to avoid damaging the tissue.

Our staff is here to help you with your emergency needs. We can assist you if you have any kind of dental pain. We understand how unpleasant dental emergencies may be, and we're here to assist. If you're anywhere near Hollis, NH, and you're having significant mouth discomfort, give us a call right away!

Contact Us

To get in touch with us, give us a call at
(603) 883-6010

76 Northeastern Blvd,
Ste 35A Nashua, NH 03062

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